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Becoming Catholic

RCIA – The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

RCIA is intended for unbaptized adults or those baptized in a different Christian faith that are considering becoming Catholic. The program also includes religious instruction for baptized Catholics that did not receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

In RCIA, we learn the basics of our Catholic faith as given to us by Jesus. By inviting others to learn about our faith, we are obeying the words of our Lord to teach. RCIA at Saint Stanislaus Kostka utilizes a series of video presentations, and also includes background of Old and New Testament sites, in a friendly learning environment. RCIA meets immediately after the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, with the Program beginning in October and concluding at Easter. (Based on interest.) There is no cost for RCIA, just the opportunity to join others in learning more about the Catholic faith. Click here for the registration form.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Information Sheet