BAPTISM – Baptism is celebrated after the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass. Please call the parish office to schedule. Click here for the information form that must be completed. Adults seeking baptism should contact the RCIA director for participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
CONFIRMATION – Preparation for confirmation is conducted through our parish school, CCD program, or for adults, through RCIA. Please reach out to the parish office for more information about any of these resources.
HOLY EUCHARIST – Parishioners of school age children that want them to celebrate their First Holy Communion will either have them enrolled in the parish school or in the parish CCD program. Adults will be prepared through the RCIA program. Please call the parish office for more information.
MARRIAGE – Couples wishing to be married at Saint Stanislaus Kostka Church must contact the parish office at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. Click here for the information form that must also be completed.
RECONCILIATION – Confessions are heard every Friday at 7:00 AM or by appointment. Contact the pastor or parish office if a special appointment is required.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Please call the pastor or parish office in case of serious illness or hospitalization as soon as possible to make arrangements for this sacrament.